Fresh fruit and vegetables are one of the most important categories in supermarkets. The retailers in this segement has high profit margin. The retailers are the largest buyers and importers of fresh vegetables and fruits.

The retailers are competing to expand their shoppers base. The retailers can expand their sales through free delivery and online sales. The blended selling that include Mortar and Brick as well as online sales brings perfect match to success. EFRESCO totally provide complete solution for selling fruits and vegetables online.

EFRESCO provide the platform free for all online retailers and grocery stores. USING EFRESCO will allow you to segment customers, add products, seamless user experience and flexible shoppers payment options.

In the EFRESCO admin panel, your fresh produce shoppers can be segmented by age, gender, location, and previous shopping behavior. You can create special promotions to be visible for first time or returning visitors.

EFRESCO enable you to add up to 60 products free and can be quickly filtered and compared with one another to provide a smooth shopping experience.

EFRESCO shoppers can log-in and switch between devices or browsers, locate the nearest store , and continue shopping at any time. This leads to a seamless user experience and fewer abandoned shopping carts.

Shoppers can pay through various major payment gateways including PayPal. However, logistics and shipping is the responsibility of the merchant or grocery store.

Customers and shoppers can create wish lists, review products and services provided by retailers and earn customer rewards points.


Only Retailers can have silver membership

Free membership

E-fresco takes fees based on the transaction base

Can be provided world wide.

E-fresco only provide platform and support for retailers

E-fresco is not responsible for shipping

E-fresco does not provide products.

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